Monday, 25 February 2013


MOOHAHA designs has finally landed on Etsy.

Check out the shop, click here

Thursday, 14 February 2013


If I was cool and up with the scene these days, I'm sure I'd say something wanky like Yarn Bombing is so 2011. 
But luckily I'm a run of the mill, wannbe blogger so suffice to say that artists were commission to yarn the trees in Melbourne's City Square. I'm sure the true gorilla knitters would shake their heads, but personally it looks amazing, so I'm sold. 

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Solution to Valentine's Day

For some the fateful day is nearly upon us, no its not dooms day, but close... Valentine's Day.

St Valentine was commemorated on February 14. 

That’s it. That’s the only link. 

From there, Valentine’s Day was created in the modern era, with the intention of showing us how much we love one another. 

Sadly it can often invoke jealousy, guilt, anger and large groups of single women competing for the best horror break-up story. I’m not a hater of Valentine’s Day, it’s just another day to appreciate people in your life, rather than the only day you appreciate people in your life. 

I have found the perfect solution: Light-heartedly take the piss while letting people know you were thinking of them with one of these post cards, make your own or you can buy them from someecards here

  Copy write Someecards Inc.