1. Walk
to the Botanic Gardens and feed the ducks. You can rationalise this one as
the stale bread would go to waste and the ducks are anorexic since the
council banned feeding them.
2. Match
up all the socks in your house and colour code them in the draw.
3. Take
the neighbours dog for a walk. Word to the wise, don’t take the 16 year
old Labrador with arthritis and nearly kill it trying to run across the
4. Ring
your mum. She will love it and probably spend 30min telling you to stop

6. Check
the mailbox, there could be some very important junk mail waiting for you.
7. Go
through your iTunes songs and rate them all out of 5 stars. This will be
guaranteed to never come in handy, ever.
8. Defrost
your freezer and clean out the once-was-food and that bottle of champas
you put in there 6 months ago to cool down quickly and forgot about.
9. Put the bottle of champas in the microwave to defrost,
and then consume. You need to keep your fluids up while procrastinating.