Monday, 27 August 2012


Loving the Saveus SS'12/'13 ad campaign "On Hiatus". 

Marakesh inspired, you can never have too many cushions... nor naked men under the bed... 

Tuesday, 21 August 2012


Although Kermit has had his ups and downs in life, his sex tape with Miss Piggy being a prime example of a down, he is a role model for all kids in the Cookie Blang hood. 

'Kermit Crew' long $249
A piece made of strength and character, for those that have hit rock bottom (e.g. Miss Piggy's sister) and got right back up to the top again.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

MOOHAHA Word of the Day



Smanker: noun, 
1. a social media wanker.  
2. someone who claims to possess influence but in reality just complains a lot and does nothing.

A good friend of mine introduced me this guy's writing, Fransisco Dao. 
I have borrowed (stolen) his idea and have come up with my top 10 signs you may be a smanker.

1. You spend lunch catch-ups with friends taking photos of the food and posting them on facebook.
2. You re-post people’s ideas to make yourself look creative and worldly (ehem).
3. You ‘Like’ every brand and corporation in the hope of scoring something for free.
4. You post anything starting with KEEP CALM AND…
5. You add a photo filter on instagram to every photo you take to make yourself look tanned.
6. You drop LOL, WTF or OMG into any conversation.
7. You start using the words “Integrated content”, “Like it got sooo many Likes” and “My followers love it”.
8. You Check In from pointless places, people don’t care that you’re at the gym, Aldi or JB Hi-Fi.
9. Posting images of tragedy and saying if you don’t ‘like’ this you will have bad luck for the rest of your life.
10. Meeting friends at a café and saying “Hang on, I can’t talk yet, I gotta check us in on Facebook

Never fear, the irony is not lost on me that I'm re-posting this on a blog, half way to Smankerville, Moohaha.

Read the full post from Fransisco Dao.

Friday, 10 August 2012



This stunning set of images took balls and some serious slip, slop slap. Shot from doorless helicopters around the world, living out everyone's dream of photographing in U.S., Brazil and Australia. 

Makes you want to whip out the towel, coconuts and a good book.

Bondi Beach, Australia

Icebergs pool, Bondi Beach, Australia

Lisbon, Portugal

St Tropez, Sweetie darling

Blue Water Beach, Brazil

RIO Baby, Brazil

For all Gray Maison's stunning work, click here.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


'Betterfly' short $249
No such thing as butter, if it's got wings, it better fly. 
To be worn when ever you need levity.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


New blang from Moohaha, 'You Tool' long $245

You now have the power to knight all tools the world over. 
e.g. That guy that spills red wine on your couch and just flips the cushion = TOOL. 
Girl on train talking to her 'best fr-und, OMG' at full volume = TOOL. 
Use your power wisely wearing this blang. 

Saturday, 4 August 2012


Moohaha has just released the latest designs honoring princesses and princes everywhere. 
You are never too old for dress ups and board games. The Queen may have a couple of palaces, servants and a room full of diamonds, but playing charades with your mates over several bottles of cheap wine trumps it any day :)

Cheap wine + friends > Queen - diamonds < Charles' ears = Moohaha

'Love me crown' short $250
Pankcakes in bed with champaign and diamonds is only what we deserve, really. Love me intensely.