Monday 3 December 2012

10 ways to procrastinate

So I’ve been slightly distracted lately and have neglected MOOHAHA. Work, study, essays… its amazing the things we will do to avoid it. Here are just a few ideas to procrastinate or as I like to call it “inspirational segways”.

1. Walk to the Botanic Gardens and feed the ducks. You can rationalise this one as the stale bread would go to waste and the ducks are anorexic since the council banned feeding them.

2. Match up all the socks in your house and colour code them in the draw.

3. Take the neighbours dog for a walk. Word to the wise, don’t take the 16 year old Labrador with arthritis and nearly kill it trying to run across the road.

4. Ring your mum. She will love it and probably spend 30min telling you to stop procrastinating.

5. Draw some local artwork to make people smile. This does not include tagging or drawing dicks on the pavement.

6. Check the mailbox, there could be some very important junk mail waiting for you.

7. Go through your iTunes songs and rate them all out of 5 stars. This will be guaranteed to never come in handy, ever.

8. Defrost your freezer and clean out the once-was-food and that bottle of champas you put in there 6 months ago to cool down quickly and forgot about.

9. Put the bottle of champas in the microwave to defrost, and then consume. You need to keep your fluids up while procrastinating. 

10. Untangle fairy lights. Oh and while your at it sort that random draw filled with broken head phones, chargers, paper clips, keys, beer coasters and a Nokia 3210.

Sunday 2 December 2012


Its officially Christmas as the 1st December hit and Melbourne was embracing the spirit, with trees growing ball-bals and sprouting pink flamingos. 

Whats gayer than Xmas? a pink flamingo xmas tree!

Chapel st. Melbourne, Xmas decco heaven. 

Flamingos $24.95ea.... I wanted 50 of them dam it!

Even the cacti are sprouting xmas colours :)
You don't have to be a pine tree to get into the xmas spirit. 

Toorak Rd, Melbourne. 

Monday 26 November 2012


Everywhere I look I can't help but see messages, but no one writes to each other any more. 

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Tuesday 20 November 2012

15 things that make me smile to myself

1.    Long-lost friends seeing each other and one can’t remember the other’s name

2.      Getting a love heart on top of your coffee

3.      Thinking about someone and then you get a text from them

4.      Kids talking about poo and wee at the top of their voice on public transport

5.      Having a massive night out on the booze and waking up to discover you magically don’t have a hangover

6.      Seeing friends arguing over whose turn it is to pay

7.      Being up to your free stamp on your coffee card

8.      Waking up thinking it’s Friday, then realizing its Saturday and you can go back to sleep!

9.  Lolly bags at kids’ parties

10.  Reading catalogues and magazines on a lazy Sunday

11.  Seeing someone needing directions and actually being able to help them

12.  Watching people communicate through sign language

13.   Getting a letter in the mail that isn’t a bill

14. Grandparents showing public displays of affection

15.  Business people playing Russian roulette with the peak hour traffic so they can get to work 20 seconds earlier

Monday 19 November 2012


Ok so let's be honest, the market was an epic failure. It seemed everyone in Melbourne had migrated as far away from the area as possible. Ah well, it was an experience and I said yes, to something I would normally have said no. 

Luckily some gorgeous mates came down and said hello and there is nothing but love for them. Here are some picks of the set up. 


Wednesday 7 November 2012


Oh Melbourne town you are so beautiful, as soon as the sun comes out, you come alive. The smell of cider, jasmine and sunscreen is in the air as Zombie flesh get it's first burn of the season. 

Skipping girl bridge over Pony Fish Island.

Sunday Ciders, Pony Fish Island at airport prices. 

Bottom of an apartment swimming pool, looking up from the street. 

Melbourne Arts Centre

Sun set at Brighton Beach sweetie daaaarling

Thursday 1 November 2012


There is something so special about NY City. The one place you can see a divorcee decked out in Parada strutting past a fat tourist with a bum bag, taking a photo of a homeless man taking a piss on the sidewalk. 
Hurricane Sandy has truly brought out the best in New Yorkers with people lucky enough to still have power, throwing extension cords out onto the street so those without can charge their phone to contact loved ones. 

For more. 

Wednesday 31 October 2012


Shirls rocking her Kermit meets miss piggy hair-do and some cookie blang.